need 5 ingredients, it’s ready in minutes & it’ll feed a crowd for cheap.

So many of y’all send me emails expressing how much you love the easy recipes that I share – especially the ones with 5 ingredients or less. You know what? I love ’em too!
Y’all love ’em – I love ’em…. so why not share another? I get a gold star, right? Heck, this one is so good that I should get one of those puffy Lisa Frank stickers ‘cus those were always the best.

I’ve used frozen meatballs in this delicious dish; however – you could certainly replace them with freshly made meatballs if that’s what you prefer. When I make meatballs, I make up a whole bunch at one time for the freezer… but I haven’t done that in some time now. I’ve been slacking on the homemade meatballs for sure so for me lately, it’s frozen meatballs to the rescue.
Don’t judge – we’ve all been there. Well, unless your name is Martha Stewart….and if that’s the case, well…. I’ve probably just offended you with my frozen meatballs. But welcome to the Mrs’s abode just the same. 

5 ingredients. That’s it. And it’s realy super duper fast too. Like 15 minutes in the oven fast.
Here’s what you need:

First, cook the meatballs according to the package directions. Pour a little bit of pasta sauce in the bottom on a 3 quart casserole dish. Spread the cooked meatballs over the sauce.

Pour more pasta sauce over the top of the meatballs – enough to cover (or to taste).

Sprinkle on 2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese & 1 heaping cup of shredded parmesan cheese. Season with Italian seasoning to taste.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Simple as can be.
No need for the drive-thru on busy days when you have recipes like this in your arsenal.

Easy cheesy – sure to pleasy… and I don’t care if that doesn’t make sense, I just wanted to rhyme it all.
But, don’t be led astray by my lame gibberish rhymes. This meal is absolutely delish. Serve with a salad & dinner is done!

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